Welcome to Crystal's Senior Recital, featuring pieces on piano, viola, and organ. Click on the links below to listen to any of the pieces performed.
Prelude and Fugue in E Minor, BVW 533 - Prelude
Prelude and Fugue in E Minor - Fugue
Fantasiestucke Op. 12, No. 2, Aufschwung (Soaring)
Nocturne in B major Op. 32, No. 1
Etude in E major Op. 10, No. 3
When in Our Music God Is Glorified
Arabesque No. 1 from Deux Arabesques (Partial)
Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum (from Children's Corner)
Selections from Fables, Op. 21
Three Chorale Preludes on Savior of the Nations, Come
Orgelbuchlein (Little Organ Book) BVW 599
Improvisations for the Christmas Season, Set 1, setting II
Sonata for Viola and Piano, No. 1 in F Minor